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Showing posts from September, 2021

The magical self sustaining $1,000,000 Portfolio

If you are in your 20s, start investing as early as your first salary. Once you have a $1,000,000 portfolio, you're set for life. Why? Because even a low 7% capital growth leaves you with $70,000 extra cash to spend in a year's time after that $1,000,000 portfolio is complete. Regardless of your income, skills, knowledge or martial status, unless you have a huge necessary liability - you'd have to get that addressed first.  It might probably take 24 years if you're willing to sacrifice enough, it also depends on how disciplined of a person you are to constantly be saving at large to invest Let's address a possible problem that you might have (bear with me if you don't have that problem, but many do): Remember the days where you were in secondary school and your expenditure was just canteen food and drinks based on your allowance? Going to the everywhere else and getting whatsoever was free, because your parents paid for them as you get your allowance weekly or m...