Hi, this is my journal and a program to make me learn back the C++ language The lesson stopped here Source code below: #include <iostream> #include <cmath> using namespace std; int main() { cout << "Working with Variables and Data Types" << endl; char examplegrade = 'A'; string creatoruserID = "creator"; cout << "Hello "<< creatoruserID << "." << endl; int creatorcharacterID; creatorcharacterID = 7; cout << "You are number " << creatorcharacterID << "." << endl; int creatorage; creatorage = 27; cout << "You are " << creatorage << " years old in the year 2022." << endl; double sevenpointseven = 7.7; cout << "7 + 0.7 = " << sevenpointseven << endl; cout << " " <...