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Showing posts from October, 2023

Towards Q4 Y23

This is me, back here back again updating my life. Writing about myself, to figure it all out. Why am I writing? For clarity of what I want. I publicize what I share, hide the rest I don't. I write, to realign my focus and walk towards a better path.  As of now, I try my best to thank God, and the social circle of closest friends that I have. I'm grateful for each morning, as it is a chance for new memories and adventures. I look for opportunities from time to time to do work and life better.  In the past, it was about money. Money money money, profits losses ROI. It took me like 2 full years to figure out that money is not everything. BUT WITHOUT MONEY, YOU CAN'T DO ALMOST ANYTHING. Money become less important when you have enough for yourself, and for the people around you. That said, I'm happy financially where am. Enough to be confident about life goals. Life goals like growing and building people up around my social circle. Starting a family, having a kid, retiring...